"Thrift Stores Never Have Anything" - Unpopular Opinion About Thrifting

Only Poor People Shop At Thrift Stores: Unpopular Opinion About Thrifting
Unpopular Opinion About Thrifting: "Only poor people shop at thrift stores"
Really? Yes, thrift stores were conceived many years ago with the idea of helping the less fortunate, but thrifting is more popular than ever!
Most thrift stores still maintain their charitable mission, but the demographic of their customers varies greatly. These days, teens and millennials are flocking to thrift stores for jeans and vintage clothing, where the quality is much better than fast fashion.
Many thrifters are consumers who love a bargain and they know that their local thrift store is a goldmine for finding unique pieces.
So, while shoppers with limited income still frequent the thrift store, you will also find a variety of thrifters from all income levels who just love the thrill of the thrift!

3 Best Places to Find Blue and White Chinoiserie
I'm not saying that you can't find good pieces at retail stores. I'm saying that you can find REALLY NICE pieces at other places. Let me tell you about three places where you can find the best blue and white porcelain.
#1 The Thrift Store
#2 Consignment Shop
#3 Yard Sale, Flea Market

Why You Should Use The Right Garden Tool For the Job
Do you love gardening but hate the thought of the aches and pains that follows after all that bending and kneeling? I understand.
Picture this. You're basking in what I call the "after-gardening glow". I mean, you have the satisfaction of having made good progress in your garden. A lot of digging and pulling. You're on a natural high from destroying a gazillion weeds.
You've planted seeds. Your endorphins are through the roof! You sit back and say, "I did good"! The after-gardening glow is Real!
And then, BAM!
It sets in. You become stiff. Every muscle in your body aches.
Sound familiar?
Does it make good sense to do all that work in your garden and be laid up and unable to move afterward? No, I don't think so.
I have one piece of advice: USE THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB.
Invest in a good garden workbench or stool and give your body a break. You need one that can hold your weight and hold a few hand tools. I found mine online. I'll link it here:
This one is sturdy enough to hold my husband who weighs about 200 lbs. and it folds easily into a padded kneeler. That soft padding makes a difference when sitting or kneeling for extended periods of time.
When folded as a kneeler, the legs of this garden workbench serve as side handles to help you steady yourself as you stand up. I've used it both ways and it's great! I'll link my Youtube video where I show more details of this workbench.
It comes with two removable pouches that can hold all the gardening hand tools you need for the task. This was an awesome find! Your back will thank you!
I hope this was helpful. Contact me if have questions. Happy Gardening!
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Awesome Thrift Haul Dresses From Goodwill
I'm a big proponent of recycling clothing and even household goods, where it makes sense. It's good for the environment, not to mention that your dollar goes far at a second-hand store. Don't sleep on the thrift, Y'all!
Here are few pics from a recent Goodwill thrift haul. Don't you just love the hat?
One of my finds was a Free People dress. I considered re-selling it. Free People merchandise does well on the re-sale market, but I think I'm going to keep it. I'm thinking of closing my Poshmark closet, but we'll see. Maybe I'll address that in separate blog post.
I'm so excited about my latest thrift finds and I can't wait to style them!
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3 Different Meals That POP With Kim's Magic Pop
#1 Tuna Salad on Kim's Magic Pop
- Mix one can of tuna (in water) in a bowl with a chopped boiled egg. Add celery seeds, chopped onion, mayo, salt and pepper to taste. Serve on a bed of lettuce on top of an onion flavored Kim's Magic Pop
#2 Kim's Magic Pop with a side of Veggie Scrambled Eggs
- Chop onion, green peppers, red peppers, fresh tomatoes and sauté in a frying pan with a drop of vegetable oil or Pam. Scramble in two eggs and season with minced garlic, salt and pepper. Serve with Kim's Magic Pop and garnish with grapes or apple slices. You can find a video of this recipe on my Youtube channel.
#3 Turkey Sausage and Egg Whites on Kim's Magic Pop
- Cook two turkey Brown-N-Serve link sausages. Cut into small chunks. Pour egg whites in frying pan. Add sausage pieces. Scramble and serve over Kim's Magic Pop

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