Some of the Best Senior Retail Discounts (That You Might Not Know About)

I am beginning to embrace my status as a recent member of the "older adult" population.  It has its perks, like discounts at businesses and services.  I just discovered the programs being offered by the local community center and I'm kind of impressed. And most of the programs are FREE!  We just have to pay an annual $7 membership fee. I'm talking about bingo, lunch, day trips, line dancing and various exercise classes. Yeah, I'm starting to take advantage of every "senior" benefit that comes my way. 

I used to overlook the courtesies offered by restaurants and retail stores. But now, I'm snapping them up!  I'll usually check the business website and ask without hesitation if there are any discounts for older adults.  I have no shame!

I'm laughing at myself  right now because I can remember when  I got my first mailer from AARP.  And I wasn't even retired! I refused to even open the envelope! Talk about denial!  

Oh, how things have changed!  Honey, if there's a senior coupon or discount, I'm using it!

Let's talk about some of my favorite retail spots that are "older adults friendly".  These businesses offer some form of  senior discount:

Dunkin Donuts

Great coffee

Discounts for seniors vary from store to store


Some of the best thrift finds

15% senior discount on Wednesday at my local Goodwill. Varies from store to store


The best craft supplies

10% senior discount everyday



Clothing and accessories galore

15% senior discount on Wednesday

*check stores for age requirement

I frequent these stores on a regular basis and I'm so happy when I can save a few pennies. Does your favorite store offer a discount for older adults?  How much? 

Stay tuned for more blog posts about where older adults can find savings. 

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