Some of the Best Senior Retail Discounts (That You Might Not Know About)

I am beginning to embrace my status as a recent member of the "older adult" population.  It has its perks, like discounts at businesses and services.  I just discovered the programs being offered by the local community center and I'm kind of impressed. And most of the programs are FREE!  We just have to pay an annual $7 membership fee. I'm talking about bingo, lunch, day trips, line dancing and various exercise classes. Yeah, I'm starting to take advantage of every "senior" benefit that comes my way. 

I used to overlook the courtesies offered by restaurants and retail stores. But now, I'm snapping them up!  I'll usually check the business website and ask without hesitation if there are any discounts for older adults.  I have no shame!

I'm laughing at myself  right now because I can remember when  I got my first mailer from AARP.  And I wasn't even retired! I refused to even open the envelope! Talk about denial!  

Oh, how things have changed!  Honey, if there's a senior coupon or discount, I'm using it!

Let's talk about some of my favorite retail spots that are "older adults friendly".  These businesses offer some form of  senior discount:

Dunkin Donuts

Great coffee

Discounts for seniors vary from store to store


Some of the best thrift finds

15% senior discount on Wednesday at my local Goodwill. Varies from store to store


The best craft supplies

10% senior discount everyday



Clothing and accessories galore

15% senior discount on Wednesday

*check stores for age requirement

I frequent these stores on a regular basis and I'm so happy when I can save a few pennies. Does your favorite store offer a discount for older adults?  How much? 

Stay tuned for more blog posts about where older adults can find savings. 

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Healthy Eyecare Tip for Older Adults

Hey Fam! New eyeglasses! When was the last time you had an eye exam? I had Lasik 20 years ago, but some of my near-sightedness has returned.  Could be age! LOL! I don't need reading glasses though.  Thank goodness!  

Your eyes tell a lot about your overall health. As we get older, we need to pay more attention to what our eyes are telling us. Glaucoma, diabetes, cataracts are no joke! Stop putting it off and get an eye exam, y'all! Then take your prescription and order a few pairs of glasses online for a fraction of what your eye doctor charges. My new prescription eyeglasses are from Zinff Optical. So affordable! They also have a 30-day Fit & Style Guarantee which allows customers to make a reasonable replacement or return. 

Frames I'm Wearing: Palm

Discount code: Caron30  (10% off the lens, 50% off the frames)

If you decide to try @zinff.optical, feel free to use my discount code. They offer quality frames.  Delivery takes about 2 weeks. Your eyes will thank you!

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Cleaning Hack For A Really Clean Toilet Lid

Looking for a tip to clean your toilet lid? This is a quick hack to clean the tiniest parts of your toilet. If you're like me, cleaning the bathroom is one job that you wish you could delegate. Unfortunately, no one can clean your house like you. Right?

So, you think you've cleaned and sanitized your toilet? Scrubbed it inside and out? How about those little screws on the inside of  the toilet seat lid ? I hate to say it, but "stuff "splashes into those tiny holes. Ewww!

I used to spray the entire toilet, including the lid, with my favorite cleaning products and then proceed to wipe everything down. While I did give some attention to those little screws in the lid, it occurred to me that I could do more. Right on my vanity was the answer. 

My Process

After spraying a little cleaning product on the inside of the lid, I use a few cotton swabs to really get into the tiny area housing the screws. I swab and swab until I am satisfied that the space is clean. How satisfying! 

How old were you when you discovered this hack? Please drop me a line if you have a similar hack. 

Disclosure: Links may contain affiliates. When you buy through one of our links we will receive a commission. This is at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Life on Greenwood and allowing me to continue to bring you valuable content.

Day Trip For The Active Retiree


Am I officially a member of the silver adult community? I retired almost four years ago but I never saw myself as a golden girl. As I write this, I'm laughing because I recently started referring to myself as an "active Plus 60 woman". 

I took my first senior bus trip to the casino this morning. It was nice! Everyone was so chatty! From what I could hear, there were definitely several "regulars" on board. They knew the bus driver, the best route and even alternate routes.  I could tell that this was not their first time hanging out together. 

The conversations went something like this:

"How's your knee? Did you bring your cane? I'm still a little sore from my shoulder surgery. My grandson got accepted to college.  Are you playing bingo on Tuesday? My wife's cancer is in remission. "

Some had even packed a lunch and snacks. That was smart considering how expensive food is in the casino. With age comes wisdom, they say. 

God bless them that they could get up this morning, leave the house and enjoy a bus outing. It's important to not feel isolated. Fresh air! Good conversation!  I thoroughly enjoyed the day!

I don't really think of myself as a senior...yet. But I'll definitely be making this monthly bus outing a part of my new routine. 

By the way, I didn't win anything at the casino.

What Are Designer-Inspired Fragrances - Dossier Review

Luxury-inspired fragrances are all the rage these days. These are not the "dupes" from back in the day that were popular and sold at your local drug stores. You know the ones that went on like water and the scent disappeared just as quickly. Yeah, not those.

The new inspired scents are affordable and really smell divine. I've tried a few. 

I sampled the Dossier brand recently and was quite impressed with their product. They use the best perfume notes that really rival high-end designer fragrances. If you're looking for quality fragrances inspired by your favorite designer brands, without the designer price, consider Dossier. Even the packaging is quite substantial.  I absolutely love them! 

TIP:  Because of their affordability, you could easily batch a few bottles in a gift basket for someone on a special occasion. I have a discount code that you can use, plus Dossier offers several promotions on their website. I hope you'll take me up on this. Drop me a line if you do!

Dossier has a welcome offer of up to 20% on the website. 

You can get up to 30% off for your first order by using the discount code!!

The extra 10% applies at the checkout on top of the welcome offer. 


Dossier has a new payment method that lets you earn store credit. Select CATCH at the last step of checkout and you earn a $10 sign on bonus credit.  

- Get rewarded with 10% store credit on every order. 

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Affordable Kitchen Stools You Will Love in 2022

I bought new affordable counter height bar stools for my kitchen and I found them on Amazon! I'm over the moon in love with them! They are fantastic!

My old stools were at least 13 years old. When I bought them, I was into the earthy taupes and browns for my kitchen and family room. When I came across my old stools at Pier 1 Imports, I jumped right on them. Like a lot of people, I've moved away from some of my darker furniture and home decor. The old stools seem so dark. It was definitely time for a change.


The new stools are made by Gotminsi. They are sold in pairs and some assembly is required. I had a little help putting them together. They're so comfortable, which is important because I spend a lot of time working at my kitchen counter. They seem solid. Really sturdy. I like how they brighten my kitchen and provide a nice contrast against my mahogany-stained cabinets.

I love them!

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